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Mission and Vision


We have supported, protected, and strengthened the flow of information between citizens and institutions through free legal aid and the promotion of their rights via targeted media advocacy activities. We have researched the effectiveness and transparency of public services’ operations towards ordinary citizens, especially marginalized groups. By providing information, we have raised public awareness and informed decision-makers about human rights, democracy, government accountability, and the efficiency of its institutions. We have built the capacity of civil society representatives, politicians, and journalists and promoted their networking.

The Civic Alliance (CA) contributes effectively and efficiently to the establishment of a civic and democratic society by strengthening capacity and supporting civil initiatives, protecting and promoting human rights, and monitoring the work of state institutions.


After years of wars and the breakup of the former state, the transitional changes in public administration and the judicial system have often been associated with complicated and inefficient procedures, a lack of transparency, and accountability towards ordinary citizens as primary users of their services. For nearly a decade, our activists have supported citizens in the fight for civil and human rights, helping them overcome the problems of weak institutional cooperation, improper interpretation of legal norms, as well as the slow pace and lack of accountability of some state officials.

Montenegro is a civic and democratic society based on the rule of law. Montenegro is developing as a society of active and informed citizens, and state institutions operate in accordance with positive legal regulations with the aim of serving the public interest.