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The expertise is needed for the implementation of the project “Palliative Care – My Care, My Right” that is jointly implemented by members of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights network (YIHR), BELhospice (Serbia), Sue Ryder Care (Albania) and Civic Alliance (Montenegro) supported by Balkan Civil Society Development Network Skopje, (BCSDN Skopje) with funding provided by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).”

Project background:

BELhospice Serbia, Sue Ryder Care Albania and Civic Alliance Montenegro created a regional network in 2019 with aim to work to solve common challenges in palliative care through sharing experience, advocating for policy changes and networking. Regional team mutually designed a project Palliative Care – My Care, My Right.

The Overall objective of the project is: Enhance regional cooperation among CSOs to promote civic space to protect the most vulnerable groups – patients with life limiting prognosis and their families.

Specific objective of the project is: Enhance capacity of CSO to play vital role in implementation of palliative care and protection of human rights of the most vulnerable groups – patients with life limiting illnesses and their families in Serbia, Albania and Montenegro.

The project includes the following key components: a) research on needs and barriers for implementation of palliative care as a human right, b) advocacy for changing policies and improving operating environment for CSOs working in providing palliative care services, c) promotion of palliative care as a human right, d) capacity building of CSOs and local and national stakeholders to mobilize resources to provide better care for the patients with life limiting prognosis and their family members.

In all three countries, Serbia, Albania and Montenegro palliative care is at early stage of development although need for improved infrastructure and services are amounting due to aging population and increased number of cancer, neurological and other patients with life threatening illnesses. Services are not provided according to the needs of patients and beneficiaries often encounter violation of their rights. Integrated palliative care practices are not implemented due to lack of legal policies, lack of knowledge of service providers, bad infrastructure and organisational capacities. The project will respond to the challenges through identifying needs/barriers through participatory approach of all key stakeholders which will serve as a base for future improvements of palliative care services. Advocacy actions will be organised to enable policy level changes and implementation of integrated palliative care approach. Capacity building of key service providers will take place with aim to improve skills and knowledge of the institutional health and social providers and CSOs. Civic dialog and cross sectoral cooperation will be promoted through all actions to enhance cross sectoral cooperation and foster partnerships among public institutions, local governments and CSOs.

With aim to define comparative study on findings and recommendations on improvement of Palliative care services in Serbia, Montenegro and Albania and creating the research on needs and barriers on Palliative care in Montenegro and the following vacancies for the experts are needed:

1. Expert Research/Methodology and Analysis – Serbia

Number of the experts: 1 expert

Key tasks of the experts include:

  • Communicate with the project manager and experts from Serbia, Albania and Montenegro to agree upon mutual methods and research instruments.
  • Lead the Work group to define instruments for the research in all three countries, agree upon the areas for comparative analysis of the gathered data.
  • Participate in the Work Group of experts to develop methodology instruments; design the research tools (questionnaire and/or interview etc.) for the Study on Needs/barriers to implement palliative care services to the patients with life limiting prognosis and their families and assuring the validity and reliability of the instrument/s.
  • Define detailed working plan for the data collection, including research sample and ethical standards.
  • Conduct Analysis of collected data and provide the report on mutual findings and recommendations for improvement of the palliative care services for all three countries.
  • Present comparative analysis and findings at a regional round table.

Qualifications and experience:

  • Postgraduate degree in law, social or political science, or public health.
  • Proven experience in conducting research in the sectors of medical, social and or human rights.
  • Research experience in similar studies is an advantage.
  • Capacity to deliver within required timeframe on the required scale within the available budget.
  • Fluency in written and spoken English.


The work is expected to be completed within 25 working days over a period from April to June 2021 starting from the contract signature date.

Interested candidates are required to submit CV and daily fee offer to email: [email protected] and [email protected] by April 9, 2021.

2. Expert Research/Methodology and Analysis – Montenegro

Number of the experts: 1 expert

Key tasks of the experts include:

  • Participate in the Work Group of experts to develop methodology that includes agreement on themes for comparative analysis and agree upon mutual methods and analytical instruments, sample design of the research instruments as questionnaire and/or interview for the Study on Needs/barriers to implement palliative care services to the patients with life limiting prognosis and their families assuring the validity and reliability of the instruments.
  • Develop respective stakeholder engagement plan.
  • Define methodology and detailed working plan for the data collection, including ethical standards.
  • Provide instructions to the data collection expert on the instruments and data entering processes.
  • Conduct Analysis of collected data and development of the study and provide recommendations on results and findings for improvement of the palliative care services in Montenegro.
  • Communicate with the project manager and experts from Serbia and Montenegro.
  • Communicate closely with other regional experts from Serbia and Montenegro.
  • Create the final version of the work documents in Montenegrin and English language.

Qualifications and experience:

  • Postgraduate degree in social science, public policies, law or public health.
  • Proven experience in conducting research in the sectors of health, social and or human rights.
  • Previous experience in collecting data on research and studies is an advantage.
  • Capacity to deliver within required timeframe on the required scale within the available budget.


The work for methodology development is expected to be completed within 10 working days and works for analysis for 15 days over a period April to June 2021.from the contract signature date.


Fluency in written and spoken Montenegrin and English.

Interested candidates are required to submit CV and daily fee offer in EUR to email address [email protected] and [email protected] by 9 April 2021.

3. Experts for Data collection – Montenegro (2 Experts)

3.1. Data collection Expert – Montenegro

Number of the experts: 1 expert

The experts will perform the following tasks:

  • Distribution of the questionnaires and/or interviews to the targeted groups in accordance with the defined Methodology.
  • Collection of data accordance with the timetable, filing and timely submitting.
  • Entering of the data in given forms and in accordance with the instructions given by the expert for methodology and analysis.
  • Submitting data to the expert for methodology and analysis.


  • Proven experience in collecting the research data.
  • University degree in social or political science.
  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling research values and ethical standards.


The work is expected to be completed within 10 working days over a period of 1 month (during the May 2021) starting from the contract signature date.

Interested candidates are required to submit CV and daily fee offer in EUR to email address [email protected] and [email protected] by 9 April 2021.

3.2. Data Collection Expert in Public Health

Number of the experts: 1 expert

Key assignments outputs expected from the Expert include:

  • Collect information on situational analysis regarding Palliative care in Montenegro including.
  • Number of patients in need of palliative care in Montenegro.
  • Available services and number of palliative care units.
  • Needs in medical sector to improve palliative care in Montenegro regarding pain management, treatments, home care visits, situational analysis regarding professional skills.
  • Desk review of the current policies, strategies, legal framework, services etc. directly and indirectly related to palliative care issues.
  • Provide and develop analyses of the international documents based on their suggestions and recommendations for integration of palliative care and patients’ rights.
  • Other information/data on Palliative care in Montenegro defined by the methodology expert on specific areas.


  • University degree in medicine.
  • Proven background and knowledge on palliative care in Montenegro.


The work is expected to be completed within 10 working days over a period of 1 month (during May 2021) starting from the contract signature date.

Interested candidates are required to submit CV and daily fee offer in EUR to email address [email protected] and [email protected] by 9 April 2021.

One candidate can apply for more than one expert position from these Terms of References.

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