We invite you to join the campaign and to publish via your media videos that were created for the need of the campaign, or publish information about the campaign and videos whose importance for the public interest has been recognized by the Agency for electronic media, thus enabling all TV broadcasters that broadcasting is not included in approved quota of daily advertising. Author of videos is Darko M. Ivanović, member of the Commission for monitoring of acting of authorized bodies in investigating of cases of threths and violence against journalists, murders of journalists and assaults on property of media.
Videos may be viewed on YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNjmxeBI2cyFUfSQ8bQt8UQ
Assaults on journalists have become frequent during the last few decades in Montenegro. For that reason and in this manner, we want to present to the public and indicate that it is time to start resolving cases of assaults. Journalists in Montenegro are targets of assaults, violence, verbal and physical, and on the account of their work they receive threats. It is time for their job to be recognized, and it is time to stop everyday fear of workers in media. With the aim to include public in this problem, in cooperation with the Commission, we have launched the page www.pitajtekomisiju.me. Via this page, all interested people can be informed about the work of the Commission, and share their own knowledge and information on cases of threats and violence against journalists.