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Information About Extension of Temporary Protection for Persons from Ukraine

As in previous years, Civic Alliance is available to assist with the extension of temporary protection for persons from Ukraine.

Here are some key details to help you prepare for the process:

  • The extension of temporary protection will last until March 26, with a possibility of further extension if needed.
  • The software enabling the submission of applications for the extension of temporary protection at the applicant’s current place of residence is fully functional, so there should be no challenges in its implementation at regional MoI units.
  • Persons residing in Budva should submit their applications for extension at the MoI Branch Office in Budva, as there are no technical possibilities to organize a mobile MoI office in Petrovac this year.
  • Working hours of MoI Budva and MoI Bar are from 08:00 to 15:00.
  • Residents of Hotel “Sato” should submit applications for both temporary protection extension and accommodation extension.


When submitting your request for the extension of temporary protection, please keep in mind the following:

  • The Application for Temporary Protection Extension (hereinafter: Application) must be submitted at the applicant’s place of residence at the counters of the regional units and branch offices of the Directorate for Civil Status and Personal Documents of the Ministry of Interior (MoI).
  • The application must be submitted in person, except for minors, who are not required to be present. Their applications should be submitted by their parent/guardian/legal representative.
  • Minors who have since reached adulthood must submit their applications in person.
  • During the application process, the applicant’s identity will be verified through an inspection of their previously issued Temporary Protection Document, which will be returned to the regional unit/branch office upon submission of the new application, along with a travel document or another form of personal identification.
  • Upon verification, the application form will be completed, and the applicant’s information will be updated in the MoI’s electronic register.
  • The Unique Master Citizen Number (JMB) of the applicant will be checked. If one was not previously assigned, it will be assigned.
  • Once the data is entered into the MoI’s electronic register, the printed application form will be signed by both the authorized official and the applicant, confirming the accuracy and truthfulness of the provided information. Applications for minors must be signed by their parent/legal representative/guardian.
  • Before approving the application, a criminal record check will be conducted for all applicants over the age of 16. If the applicant is found in the criminal records, their temporary protection extension will be denied (Article 94 of the Law on International and Temporary Protection of Foreigners).


This procedure applies only to individuals who meet the conditions for the extension of temporary protection and not to those submitting a request for temporary protection for the first time.


You can contact us at the following phone numbers:

Podgorica: +382 69 310 443, +382 69 218 164

Bar and Coastal Region: +382 69 332 302, +382 69 066 553, +382 69 212 554

Or via email: [email protected]

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