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According to the statements we have received, journalists were injured and arrested, number of participants in the protest were injured and beaten up, as well as some Members of the Parliament.

We especially condemn arresting of journalists Dražen Živković, from Daily DAN and Gojko Raičević, editor in chief of in4s portal, this morning. Both journalists were accused that they did not act according to orders to leave protected area. What especially concerns is that the means of compulsion were used in both cases, although journalists did not resist, so Raičevic was hit by the police officer in the kidney area and was pushed while entering the police vehicle, when his knee was injured. Journalist Živković was handcuffed although he did not resist. Right of public to know and be introduced with everything that had happened that night in front of the Parliament of Montenegro, was violated in this manner.
We believe that in a democratic country, as our country is represented, is unacceptable to demonstrate brutal force over journalists and participants in peaceful protests. Arresting of journalists and use of force over the editor in chief of one of the media, and preventing of journalists to do their job, is something which institutions have to examine objectively.
Researches of Civic Alliance have been convinced today at the terrain, monitoring the whole situation and trials against journalists that police officers acted opposite to the law and international standards while arresting journalists.

Thus, we, representatives of five nongovernmental organizations invite all competent institutions – Supreme Public Prosecution Office, Basic Public Prosecution Office, Ombudsman, Council for the civic control of work of the police, Department for internal control of the police, and Ethical Board of the Police Department, and Police Department as well, to act according to their duties, to monitor this case with great attention, and to conduct urgent, independent and efficient investigation without a delay.


Civic Alliance,
NGO “4Life”
ALFA Center
LGBT Forum Progress

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