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Successfully implemented projects in the field of human rights with the support of Civic Alliance

As part of the conference “Overview of implemented projects, results, and impacts”, we were able to hear about projects implemented with the support of the Civic Alliance, through the project “No impunity for violations of human rights in Montenegro”, financed by the European Union, and co-financed by the Ministry of public administration.

The results of six successfully implemented projects supported by the CA, through the sub-granting program last year were presented at the conference.

One of the projects is called “Through Education to Greater Rights of Convicted Persons” and is implemented by the NGO Euromost, whose representatives emphasized the need to improve material conditions, especially the premises where convicted persons stay. They stated that the problem of overcrowded premises was still present and that it was important to build a new prison. They also pointed out the importance of working with convicts, because these people suffer a high degree of condemnation and discrimination after being released.

Action for social justice drafted an analysis of “European practices are still a long way off” through its project “Toward greater visibility in detention orders at the local level”. The analysis pointed out that courts rarely refer to the sources of European judicial practice, and solutions mostly contain a legal basis for detention and/or an explanation of why a milder measure is not applied, and the suspect is deprived of his liberty through a stay in pre-trial detention. This analysis also presents that the Basic Court in Bar rarely cited sources of European practice, the Basic Court in Pljevlje only in a few cases, and the Basic Court in Bijelo Polje did so in a larger number of cases. In contrast, the European source of law was applied by the Basic Court in Cetinje only once. The High Court in Podgorica and the High Court in Bijelo Polje do not cite sources of European law at all and do not refer to cases from the practice of the European Court of Human Rights when their panels decide on extensions of custody.

Through the project “Behind the camera, ahead of health: A Journalist’s lifetime in the shadow of risk”, MADOP also carried out research whose conclusions are that young journalists do not pass through training on risks when they arrive in the newsroom, as well as that there are no clear protocols for employees in technology and their protection. Online violence was addressed as a problem that is not given enough importance, and respondents almost unanimously stated that risk assessments can lead to a reduction in the number of incidents. What is causing concern is that the research shows that when it comes to the attitude towards the profession, even 65 percent of the respondents believe that journalism is a profession in which you cannot stay for the entire working life.

With its project “It is reasonable to know”the Monte Lingva organization strengthened the capacities of young interns and students about basic human rights, especially the right to a trial within a reasonable time. They reminded that it is important that the ECtHR, through its judgments, confirmed its position on the effectiveness of the constitutional appeal from March 20, 2015 (Siništaj and others vs. Montenegro judgment), the lawsuit for fair satisfaction from November 17, 2016 (Vučelić vs. Montenegro) and control request from September 4, 2013 (verdict Vukelic v. Montenegro judgment).

The Association for the Support of Roma and Egyptians, through the project “Status of the Roma-Egyptian population in Berane”, analyzed the situation of the Roma and Egyptian population in Berane, which showed, among other things, that when it comes to the living conditions of the RE population in Berane, large the number of people is in more or less constant fear of aggressive floods, especially in critical periods of the year, such as late autumn or early spring. The most threatened areas inhabited by the RE population include the Roma settlements of Riverside and Talum, where floods often cause such intense damage that the locals have to move out of their apartments and spend their days and nights “under the open sky” (or, if they are a bit more lucky, return to their houses, which are already devastated to such an extent that it is questionable if it is even safe to stay in them).

The ZINAK organization organized a study visit to the Arhus center in Kolašin, through the project “Strengthening capacities and information until exercising of the right to a healthy environment” aiming to increase the level of information about exercising the right to a healthy environment in the field of sustainable development and ecology.

At the same time, the Civic Alliance presented the results of the project, within which a sub-granting program was implemented, and over 60 police officers, judges, and prosecutors went through our training aimed at eliminating torture; free legal aid was provided to about 20 people; capacities were strengthened in the field of the fight for respect for human rights for 18 non-governmental organizations in Montenegro, an HRD group was formed that deals with monitoring cases of torture and making recommendations in the field of torture, over 120 students went through our trainings and several dozen of them had the opportunity to visit prisons pavilions and become more familiar with the functioning of the Institution for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions. Also, several thousand citizens were informed how they can report torture, thanks to a promotional campaign conducted on social networks, television, and through the organization of info-days in five Montenegrin less developed municipalities. The main focus during the previous year was on a visit to 12 institutions where persons deprived of their liberty stay, including prisons, police stations, border crossings, a psychiatric hospital, and the fact that we monitored over 100 hearings for cases of police torture and serious violations of human rights.


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