Sucko Bakovic, Ombudsman, Suad Numanovic, Minister of human and minority rights, Janina Hrebickova, Head of OSCE Mission to Montenegro, Mitja Drobnic, chief of the EU Delegation to Montenegro, Halil Dukovic, President of the Board of human rights and MP at the Parliament of Montenegro, Jean-Daniel Ruch, Ambassador of Switzerland, Marijana Lakovic, Deputy Ombudsman, Milos Vukcevic, General Director of Directorate for protection of affairs and surveillance in Ministry of interior of Montenegro, Zoran Pazin, representative of Montenegro before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and Milan Radovic, Coordinator on Human Rights program in Civic Alliance spoke at the conference.
The conference attended representatives of public institutions, Government, diplomacy, civil society, and academic community. Topics that were discussed were 1) tenth anniversary of the Institution of Ombudsman, and 2) freedom of gathering in Montenegro.
The conference sent the message saying that Montenegro had been making significant efforts aiming at promotion and protection of human rights but on its road to the European Union, Montenegro has to provide appropriate legal instruments that would guarantee to all people full enjoying of human rights and added that a lot work had to be done in all areas.