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DigiDEM EU is a project that Civic Alliance implements with several other organizations from Europe, which applies collaborative methods of crowdsourcing legislation and listening to society in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Montenegro on the topic of air quality – a topic chosen due to its transnational nature and the problems associated with it. (estimated 400,000 premature deaths in Europe each year). The project seeks to ensure that the collected contributions of citizens on this topic are entered and influence the creation of EU policy.


By starting a pilot activity of crowdsourcing and listening to society in four EU countries, the project will contribute to providing a blueprint for innovative methods of citizen involvement that are implemented as complementary to representative democracy. Through its activities and outputs, DigiDEM also aims to establish a transnational community of policy makers, academics, businesses, non-governmental organizations and citizens who will continue to apply and advocate the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to ensure an inclusive and collaborative policy-making process. decision at all levels.

The project is designed to go hand in hand with CODE Europe – a three-year project funded by EEA Regional Cooperation Grants piloting a cooperative approach to crowdsourcing legislation in Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Latvia and Portugal.

DigiDEM is implemented in partnership with the following organizations:

ECAS, Belgium

Stichting Netverk Democratie, Netherlands

Democraci International, Germany

ProInfo Foundation, Bulgaria

E-Riigi Akadeemia Sihtasutus, Estonia

Implementation time

The project is implemented in the period from August 30, 2021 to February 25, 2023

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